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Meeting Information > Annual meeting

10 Nov 2018

Call to order – 10:10 am at River Run Park meeting room


Establishment of a quorum – 26 members present in person or by proxy


Approval of prior minutes - none


Item – Officers reports


          President - none


          Vice-President - none


          Secretary/Treasurer – presented financial statements and 2019 budget and assessment of $210, dues can be paid online, will be invoiced in January – must be paid in full by March 31


New business


          Services directory explained – on website

          Kerri-Ann will purchase holiday decorations and passed out a sig up sheet for the decorating committee

          Discussion of violations management company


Open discussion


          Concerns expressed about dirt bikers and people not picking up after dogs

Suggestion we find out if gas can be piped into area

Concerns expressed about condition of lake – can we take back title, can we get Lake Doctors again to maintain it, can we get lake water tested

Suggestion to see if we can get security cameras at entrances

Concerns that we do not have a community police officer at meetings any more

We will send out email blasts about upcoming commission meetings

Pressure cleaning to be done in November



Adjourn – 11:15

Revised 1/20/2022 KAN