January 21, 2023 Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting
Official Minutes
January 21, 2023 held In Person at River Run Park and Via Zoom
The meeting was called to order at 10:13 am by Karen Sanchez.
Board Members present to constitute a quorum: Lloyd Singh, Secretary; Omena Wint, Treasurer; Karen Sanchez, Vice President and Olgine Brevil, Director.
Management present: Lynne Sansoucie, LCAM, CMCA, AMS.
Guests present: Representative from Miramar Police Department.
Officer Diaz of Miramar Police Department made a presentation.
The Board of Directors reviewed the minutes of the November 19, 2022 Board meetings. Lloyd Singh made a motion, seconded by Olgine Brevil, to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion carried unanimously.
Karen Sanchez gave the President’s report. She also announced the winners of the Holiday Decorating Contest:
1st place – 9400 Chelsea Drive
2nd place – 2321 Fairmont Avenue
3rd place – 9450 Chelsea Drive
There was discussion about vandalism. Some of the holiday decorations that the Association purchase were stolen. The Association will look into cameras, possible security or police presence.
Omena Wint gave the Treasurer’s report. The year end financial needs to be posted on the website for the community. Owners need to be advised that payments don’t go to Denise Glaser anymore. There was discussion about the probate house. Electricity is no longer being used from owners. Denise Glaser advised that there were recorded agreements with those owners.
The Board discussed fining. Karen Sanchez proposed having a special meeting for fining.
Owner were advised payment instruction.
The floor was opened to the members for discussion. Road and sidewalk repairs were discussed, violations, car break ins, etc.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:34am.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lynne Sansoucie, LCAM, CMCA, AMS